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EEG #3

Beckett had his third EEG one day last week, which I went into completely fine. I knew what was going to happen, and I was ready. I fully expected to receive a message from his neurologist shortly after saying "great news, normal EEG!" Well that's not what happened.

I know there are many people who care about Beckett and are curious how he's doing. Lately, I've been putting posts together at the end of the month that are a complete summary of everything he's faced in that month. I feel like with this, it needs its own post because of the information that we have. Part of me doesn't want to put it out there because then it's real and people know, but the other part of me wants it out there because more people can pray for him.

This morning, I received the results from his neurologist. She told me they saw seizure like activity, and she wanted to know if I had noticed anything at home, which I have. From someone who knows nothing about what a seizure looks like, I have seen things in Beckett that I think might be but at the same time, I was never sure because I have never seen it before. I've told Regan multiple times that I feel like I'm seeing it and that I'll bring it up at our next follow up (at the beginning of December), but this EEG gave me confirmation that what I'm seeing is in fact seizure activity.

The next step is to complete a 48 hour EEG at the children's hospital which we will be getting done as soon as possible. The EEGs that he's had are such a snapshot being that they're only one hour long, so by doing a 48 hour one, they'll be able to see more of what's happening in his brain to see if they can catch an actual seizure and start him on an appropriate medication. 

Seizures are one of the more serious parts to his diagnosis and it's something we've been warned about since we were in the NICU, but I really didn't believe it would happen to him. He's almost 10 months old and there's not been any "obvious" seizures so I thought we were out of the woods. That was naive of me because I know we are never out of the woods. Having this result is really difficult, and today was a hard day, but we are on the right path to getting him the help he needs.

Until the end of the month...


  1. Could not love you or Beckett any more than I already do.


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