In November, we had Beckett's Special Education evaluation. It was quite a crowd. In addition to me and Beckett, there was the Diagnostician, a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, 2 Speech Language Pathologists, 2 Vision Teachers, and a Teacher for the Deaf. Prior to this meeting, we were sent questionnaires to fill out regarding Beckett's development so they had some sort of idea about what where he was at when they did get to meet him. After their introductions, all the specialists observed Beckett's movements, and interactions, while they all took turns asking questions about his development that were specific to their individual evaluations. I answered what felt like never ending questions while they all fawned over Beckett, and they sent us on our way. As the diagnostician was walking us out, I had a little check in the see if she thought he would qualify for Special Education services. She was nodding yes, as she made sure to tell me she'd let me know onc...
Lots of things have changed in the last 6 months! We left our therapy clinic and it was heartbreaking. All our therapists in Washington have been monumental in Beckett's journey and there's no way he would be where he is today without them. We left all our neighbors on Dakota Ave that turned our time there into the most memorable of our military time. We packed up our house, and headed home to Texas! The first six weeks being in Texas were a whirlwind between airbnbs, hotels, families houses, while trying to find a house to buy, and Regan starting his job. So during that time I didn't try to accomplish anything for Beckett beyond getting both boys established with a pediatrician. Most of the other doctors Beckett needed to get into had to be sent referrals by his pediatrician anyway, so that was the best place to start. Their pediatrician is very sweet, but we've had a few hiccups with her office and their knowledge of Beckett's diagnoses which has been quite shocki...